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Effective Big Data Management and Opportunities for Implementation (Advances in Data Mining and Database Management)

Manoj Kumar Singh

[PDF.zs14] Effective Big Data Management and Opportunities for Implementation (Advances in Data Mining and Database Management)

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Effective Big Data Management  Manoj Kumar Singh book review
Effective Big Data Management  Manoj Kumar Singh summary

 | #4319171 in Books |  Singh Manoj Kumar |  2016-06-20 | Original language:English |  11.02 x.81 x8.50l,2.40 | File type: PDF | 324 pages

 | Effective Big Data Management and Opportunities for Implementation

||About the Author|Manoj Kumar Singh, Adama Science & Technology University, Ethiopia.

Big data has become a commonly used term to describe large-scale and complex data sets which are difficult to manage and analyze using standard data management methodologies. With applications across sectors and fields of study, the implementation and possible uses of big data are limitless.

Effective Big Data Management and Opportunities for Implementation explores emerging research on the ever-growing field of big data and facilitates further knowledge ...

You can specify the type of files you want, for your gadget.Effective Big Data Management and Opportunities for Implementation (Advances in Data Mining and Database Management)   |  Manoj Kumar Singh.Not only was the story interesting, engaging and relatable, it also teaches lessons.

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