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Human-Centric Interfaces for Ambient Intelligence

From Academic Press

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 | #5750057 in Books |  2009-10-23 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.25 x1.19 x7.52l,2.80 | File type: PDF | 542 pages

||From the Back Cover|
  • Integrates engineering and computing methods that are essential for designing and implementing highly effective ambient intelligence systems
  • Contains contributions from the world’s leading experts in academia and industr

    To create truly effective human-centric ambient intelligence systems both engineering and computing methods are needed. This is the first book to bridge data processing and intelligent reasoning methods for the creation of human-centered ambient intelligence systems. Interdisciplinary in nature, the book covers topics such as multi-modal interfaces, human-computer interaction, smart environments and pervasive computing, addressing principles, paradigms, methods and ap...

    You can specify the type of files you want, for your gadget.Human-Centric Interfaces for Ambient Intelligence   |  From Academic Press. I was recommended this book by a dear friend of mine.

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