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non-classical relational database theory


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non-classical relational database theory  MA YUAN ZHU epub
non-classical relational database theory  MA YUAN ZHU pdf download
non-classical relational database theory  MA YUAN ZHU pdf file
non-classical relational database theory  MA YUAN ZHU audiobook
non-classical relational database theory  MA YUAN ZHU book review
non-classical relational database theory  MA YUAN ZHU summary

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Paperback. Pub Date :2005-9-1 Pages: 383 Publisher: Tsinghua University Press This book describes the results of an international frontier and the author of the non-classical relational database theory research. including relational model constraints. tense relationship model . null value relationship model. partial order models. probabilistic relational model. object-relational model. rough relational model. the relationship between the explanatory update. relationships...

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