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RoboCup 2004: Robot Soccer World Cup VIII (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

From Brand: Springer

[PDF.fd33] RoboCup 2004: Robot Soccer World Cup VIII (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

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RoboCup 2004: Robot Soccer From Brand: Springer pdf file
RoboCup 2004: Robot Soccer From Brand: Springer audiobook
RoboCup 2004: Robot Soccer From Brand: Springer book review
RoboCup 2004: Robot Soccer From Brand: Springer summary

 | #6767627 in Books |  Springer |  2005-04-29 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.25 x1.58 x6.10l,2.12 | File type: PDF | 678 pages



ThesearetheproceedingsoftheRoboCup2004Symposium,heldattheInstituto Superior T´ ecnico, in Lisbon, Portugal in conjunction with the RoboCup c- petition. The papers presented here document the many innovations in robotics that result from RoboCup. A problem in any branch of science or engineering is how to devise tests that can provide objective comparisons between alt- native methods. In recent years, competitive engineering challenges have been established to motiv...

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