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The Smarter Screen: Surprising Ways to Influence and Improve Online Behavior

Shlomo Benartzi

[PDF.sc18] The Smarter Screen: Surprising Ways to Influence and Improve Online Behavior

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The Smarter Screen: Surprising  Shlomo Benartzi book review
The Smarter Screen: Surprising  Shlomo Benartzi summary

 | #401952 in Books |  2015-10-06 |  2015-10-06 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.38 x.90 x6.25l,1.00 | File type: PDF | 256 pages

||12 of 12 people found the following review helpful.| This may be the best book I’ve read all year|By Peter Steinlauf|This may be the best book I’ve read all year, and I’ve read dozens. I’m insatiable when it comes to behavioral economics and big data, and a fan of Thaler, Gneezy, and Pendleton. While this book covers some of the same territory, even a few of the same studies, two things set it apart. |"This book is a real eye-opener. It describes how we really function in a screen-based society, and how the digital world is changing our thinking about ourselves and others."|—ROBERT SHILLER, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics; professor of economic

A leading behavioral economist reveals the tools that will improve our decision making on screens

Office workers spend the majority of their waking hours staring at screens. Unfortunately, few of us are aware of the visual biases and behavioral patterns that influence our thinking when we’re on our laptops, iPads, smartphones, or smartwatches. The sheer volume of information and choices available online, combined with the ease of tapping "buy," often ...

You easily download any file type for your gadget.The Smarter Screen: Surprising Ways to Influence and Improve Online Behavior   |  Shlomo Benartzi. Just read it with an open mind because none of us really know.

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